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StatBank Denmark
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    Means of transport
    New registrations and used cars
    BIL5: New registration of motor vehicles by type of vehicle (1992M01-2024M12)
    BIL55: New registrated passenger cars by type of registration (2007M01-2024M12)
    BIL5X: New registration of motor vehicles by type of vehicle (DISCONTINUED) (1992M01-2002M12)
    BIL5XX: New registration of motor vehicles by type of vehicle (DISCONTINUED) (1992M01-2015M01)
    BIL6: New registrations, sale of second hand vehicles and stock etc by type of vehicle and unit (2000M01-2024M12)
    BIL50: New registration of passenger cars by ownership, car segment and unit (2004M01-2024M12)
    BIL51: New registrations of passenger cars by ownership and propellant (2011M01-2024M12)
    BIL53: New registration of motor vehicles by region, type of vehicle, terms of use and propellant (2018M01-2024M12)
    BIL56: Used of passenger cars by unit, ownership and propellant (2011M01-2024M12)
    EE1: New registrated private cars by fuel efficiency, ownership and propellant (1997M07-2024M06)
    EE2: New registrations of petrol powered passenger cars by kilometres per litre and ownership (1997H2-2024H1)
    EE3: New registrations of diesel powered passenger cars by kilometres per litre and ownership (1997H2-2024H1)
    TEMA9013: Cars and their C02 emissions (2000=100) by unit (1990-2023)
    BILX: Index of car trafic (1984=100) by kind (DISCONTINUED) (1984M01-2001M12)
    Car purchasing of families
    BIL600: Families purchase of vehicles by region and patteren of purchase (2006-2023)
    BIL611: Families purchase of vehicles by region, unit and patteren of purchase (2006-2023)
    BIL60: Families purchase of vehicles by region, type of purchase and patteren of purchase (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2006)
    BIL61: Families purchase of vehicles by region, unit, type of purchase and patteren of purchase (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2006)
    BIL62: Families purchase of vehicles by type of purchase, family type and patteren of purchase (1999-2023)
    BIL63: Families purchase of vehicles by unit, family type and patteren of purchase (1999-2023)
    BIL64: Families purchase of vehicles by type of purchase, education and patteren of purchase (1999-2022)
    BIL65: Families purchase of vehicles by unit, education and patteren of purchase (1999-2022)
    BIL66: Families purchase of vehicles by type of purchase, income and patteren of purchase (1999-2022)
    BIL67: Families purchase of vehicles by unit, income and patteren of purchase (1999-2022)
    BIL68: Families purchase of vehicles by type of purchase, housing and patteren of purchase (1999-2022)
    BIL69: Families purchase of vehicles by unit, housing and patteren of purchase (1999-2022)
    BIL70: Families purchase of vehicles by type of purchase, socioeconomic status and patteren of purchase (1999-2022)
    BIL71: Families purchase of vehicles by unit, socioeconomic status and patteren of purchase (1999-2022)
    BIL72: Families purchase of vehicles by city size and patteren of purchase (2016-2023)
    BIL73: Families purchase of vehicles by unit, city size and patteren of purchase (2016-2023)
    Cars at the disposal of families
    BIL800: Families disposal of vehicles by region and pattern of disposal (2007-2024)
    BIL811: Families disposal of vehicles by region, unit and pattern of disposal (2007-2024)
    BIL80: Families disposal of vehicles by region and pattern of disposal (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2007)
    BIL81: Families disposal of vehicles by region, unit and pattern of disposal (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2007)
    BIL82: Families disposal of vehicles by stock, family type and pattern of disposal (2000-2024)
    BIL83: Families disposal of vehicles by unit, family type and pattern of disposal (2000-2024)
    BIL84: Families disposal of vehicles by stock, education and pattern of disposal (2000-2023)
    BIL85: Families disposal of vehicles by unit, education and pattern of disposal (2000-2023)
    BIL86: Families disposal of vehicles by stock, income and pattern of disposal (2000-2023)
    BIL87: Families disposal of vehicles by unit, income and pattern of disposal (2000-2023)
    BIL88: Families disposal of vehicles by stock, housing and pattern of disposal (2000-2023)
    BIL89: Families' disposal of vehicles by unit, housing and pattern of disposal (2000-2023)
    BIL90: Families disposal of vehicles by stock, socioeconomic status and pattern of disposal (2000-2023)
    BIL91: Families disposal of vehicles by unit, socioeconomic status and pattern of disposal (2000-2023)
    BIL92: Families disposal of vehicles by city size and pattern of disposal (2013-2024)
    BIL93: Families disposal of vehicles by unit, city size and pattern of disposal (2013-2024)
    LABY28: Families disposal of vehicles by municipality groups and pattern of availability (2013-2024)
    LABY53: Families disposal of vacation houses and vehicles by municipality group of residence, socioeconomic status, pattern of availability and weekend cottage municipality group (2022)
    LABY54: Families disposal of vacation houses and vehicles by municipality group of residence, housing, pattern of availability and weekend cottage municipality group (2022)
    LABY55: Families disposal of vacation houses and vehicles by municipality group of residence, income, pattern of availability and weekend cottage municipality group (2022)
    LABY56: Families disposal of vacation houses and vehicles by municipality group of residence, education, pattern of availability and weekend cottage municipality group (2022)
    LABY57: Families disposal of vacation houses and vehicles by municipality group of residence, family type, pattern of availability and weekend cottage municipality group (2022)
    Stock of means of transportation
    BIL54: Stock of motor vehicles by region, type of vehicle, terms of use and propellant (2018M01-2024M12)
    BIL707: Stock of vehicles as per 1 January by region and type of vehicle (2007-2024)
    BIL7: Stock of vehicles per 1 January by region and type of vehicle (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2007)
    BIL8: Stock of vehicles as per 1 January by type of vehicle and age (1993-2024)
    Passenger cars
    BIL710: Stock of passenger cars as per 1 January by region, ownership and propellant (2018-2024)
    BIL10: Stock of passenger cars as per 1 January by propellant and tare (1993-2024)
    BIL11: Stock of cars as per 1 January by use and tare (1993-2024)
    BIL21: Stock of passenger cars as per 1 January by age and propellant (2011-2024)
    BIL52: Stock of passenger cars by ownership and propellant (2011M01-2024M12)
    BIL40: Estimated stock of private cars by components (2024-2028)
    BIL1: Number of private cars by region, size of car, manufacture and job title (DISCONTINUED) (1991-1996)
    BIL1A: Number of private cars by region, size of car, manufacture and job title(DISCONTINUED) (1997-2004)
    BIL3: Number of households by region, use of cars and household type(DISCONTINUED) (1992-2004)
    BIL4: Number of households by region, use of cars and income interval(DISCONTINUED) (1991-2004)
    Vans, Lorrries and trailers
    BIL15: Stock of vans as per 1 January by propellant and gross weight (1993-2024)
    BIL16: Stock of vans as per 1 January by ownership and gross weight (1993-2024)
    BIL17: Stock of vans as per 1 January by ownership and use (1993-2024)
    BIL18: Stock of lorries by propellant, numbers of axles and gross weight (1993-2024)
    BIL907: Stock of trailers as per 1 January by region and ownership (2007-2024)
    BIL9: Stock on trailers per 1 January by region, ownership and weight (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2007)
    BIL12: Stock of buses as per 1 January by propellant and gross weight (1993-2024)
    BIL13: Stock of buses as per 1 January by ownership and gross weight (1993-2024)
    BIL14: Stock of buses as per 1 January by use, number of passengers and unit (1993-2024)
    BANE51: Railways' rolling stock as per 1 January by type of rolling stock (1990-2024)
    BANE52: Seats and load capacity in railway vehicles ad per 1 January by type of railway vehicle and unit (1990-2024)
    SKIB11: Danish ships as per 1 January by type of vessel, ship`s register and unit (1990-2024)
    SKIB12: Danish ships as per 1 January by type of vessel, gross tonnage (GT) and unit (1994-2024)
    SKIB13: Danish ships as per 1 January by type of vessel, age and unit (1994-2024)
    SKIB14: Danish merchant ships as per 1 January by type of vessel and unit (1990-2024)
    FLYV11: Danish registered aircraft as per 1 January by type and unit (1990-2024)
    Traffic and infrastructure
    VEJ22: Average daily motor vehicle traffic by road segment (1988-2023)
    VEJ23: Road traffic of Danish vehicles on Danish roads by means of transport (2000-2023)
    VEJX1: Road traffic index (experimental statistics) (corresponding week in 2019=100) by type of vehicle, area and type of indicator (DISCONTINUED) (2020U10-2021U38)
    VEJ19: Road traffic of Dannish vehicles by means of transport (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2004)
    VEJ20: Road traffic of Dannish vehicles on Danish roads by means of transport (DISCONTINUED) (1980-2012)
    VEJ21: Traffic volume with vehicles on roads by type og road (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2004)
    Infrastructure - roads
    VEJ11: Road network 1st January by part of the country and type of road (2007-2023)
    VEJ1: Road network 1st January by county and type of road (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2007)
    VEJ2: Investments in the road network by type of investment and unit (1990-2022)
    BANE31: Rail traffic by type of transport (1990-2023)
    METROX1: Workday passenger index in the Copenhagen Metro (experimental statistics) (avg. week 8 and 9 in 2020=100) by seasonal adjustment (DISCONTINUED) (2020U01-2022U23)
    BROX1: Road traffic on the bridges of Storebælt and Øresund (experimental statistics) by bridge and type of vehicle (DISCONTINUED) (2019U01-2022U18)
    Infrastructure - railway
    BANE41: Railway network 1st January by railway system and unit (1990-2024)
    BANE42: Investments in railway network by type of investment and unit (1990-2023)
    BANE53: Investments in railways' rolling stock by type of investment and unit (1990-2023)
    Shipping and ports
    SKIB21: Call of cargo vessels on major ports by flagstate, type of vessel and unit (1997-2023)
    SKIB221: Call of vessels on Danish ports by seaport, type of vessel and gross tonnage (GT) (2007-2023)
    SKIB23: Call of cargo ships and cruiser ships on major Danish ports by seaport and type of vessel (1997-2023)
    AIS1: Port calls in Danish ports (Experimental statistics) (2018=100) by part of the country, seasonal adjustment and unit (2017M01-2024M12)
    AISDAG: Daily number of vessel (Danish AIS-data) (experimental statistics) (2019=100) by index type (DISCONTINUED) (2017M01D01-2022M06D26)
    Infrastructure - ports
    SKIB101: Call of vessels, passengers and throughput of goods in traffic ports by seaport and unit (2007-2023)
    SKIB1: Call of vessels, passengers and throughput of goods in traffic ports by seaport and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
    SKIB2: Investments in seaports by price unit and type of investment (1992-2022)
    FLYV3: Activities on public manned airports by airport and unit (1990-2023)
    FLYV21: Flight operations on bigger, manned Danish airport by airport, flight and type of transport (1990-2023)
    Infrastructure- airports
    FLYV1: Public manned airports by airport and length of runway (1997-2023)
    FLYV2: Fixed investments in airports by type of investment and unit (1992-2022)
    FLYX1: Departures/arrivals of flights in Copenhagen Airport (experimental statistics) by type og flight and direction (DISCONTINUED) (2020M02D16-2022M04D03)
    ROR1: Pipeline network by type of pipelines (1981-2023)
    ROR2: Investments in the pipeline network by type of pipeline and unit (1980-2023)
    Road network
    Passenger transport
    Passengers and routes
    LABY49: The share of the population with access to public transportation by municipality groups and level of service (2019-2023)
    PKM1: Passenger transport performance by transport unit (1980-2023)
    BANE21: Rail transport of passengers by unit and type of transport (1990-2023)
    BANE22: International rail transport of passengers to and from Denmark by country (2002-2023)
    BANE23: National rail transport of passengers between regions by region (1) and region (2) (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2002)
    BANE25: Rail transport of passengers by unit and type of transport (2006Q1-2024Q3)
    BANE32: Train traffic on a work day by section of the line and unit (1998-2023)
    SKIB22: Call of vessels on Danish ports by seaport, type of vessels and gross tonnage (GT) (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    SKIB24: Ship passages through the Sound and the Belts by place of observation (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2008)
    SKIB25: Ship passages through the Sound and the Belts by place of observation (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2014)
    SKIB31: Domestic transport by ferry by ferry routes and unit (1990-2023)
    SKIB32: International transport by ferry by ferry route and unit (1990-2023)
    SKIB33: Domestic ferry transport by ferry route and unit (2000M01-2024M09)
    SKIB34: International ferry transport by ferry route and unit (2000M01-2024M09)
    SKIB35: Cruiser ships in Danish ports by seaport and unit (2002-2023)
    FLYV31: Passengers on bigger public, manned Danish airports by airport and category of passenger (2003-2023)
    FLYV32: Departing passengers from bigger, public, manned airports by airport, type of transport and flight (1990-2023)
    FLYV33: Passenger transport by air with commercial flights between Danish airports by alight on and alight from (2004-2023)
    FLYV34: Commercial air journeys between bigger public, manned Danish airports and abroad by airport, land of destination and direction (2004-2023)
    FLYV35: Passengers in international fligths by length of journey, flight and unit (2004-2023)
    FLYV91: Departing passengers from major manned, public airports by airport, type of transport and flight (2001Q1-2024Q3)
    FLYV92: Departing passengers from major, manned, public airports by type of transport and flight (2001M01-2024M09)
    FLYV93X: Departing passengers from major, manned, public airports (seasonally adjusted) by type of transport and flight (DISCONTINUED) (2001M01-2015M09)
    FLYV93: Departing passengers from major, manned, public airports (seasonally adjusted) by type of transport and flight (2001M01-2024M09)
    FLYV36: Passenger transport performance by air by type of transport (1990-2023)
    Goods transport
    Transport of goods by road
    NVG1: National transport of goods by road by unit, type of transport, type of vehicle/total permisable laden weight, age of vehicle and distance of journey (1999-2023)
    NVG11: National goods road transport by type of transport and unit (1999Q1-2024Q3)
    NVG5: Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in national transport by unit, distance of journey, type of vehicle/type of transport and load (1999-2023)
    NVG121: National goods road transport by type of transport, type of goods and unit (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    NVG23: National transport of goods by road between regions by unit, region of loading, region of unloading and type of goods (2008-2023)
    NVG13: Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in national transport by unit, type of transport and load (1999Q1-2024Q3)
    NVG33: National transport of dangerous goods by road by unit, region of loading, region of unloading and type of goods (2007-2023)
    NVG2: National transport of goods by road between regions by unit, region of loading, region of unloading and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2006)
    NVG22: National transport of goods by road between regions by unit, region of loading, region of unloading and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (2007)
    NVG4: National transport of goods by road by unit, type of cargo and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2007)
    NVG41: National transport of goods by road by unit, type of cargo and type of goods (2008-2023)
    NVG3: National transport of dangerous goods by road by unit, region of loading, region of unloading and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2006)
    NVG12: National goods road transport by type of transport, type of goods and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2007Q4)
    UVG1: Goods road transport by foreign road vehicle by unit, land of registration and type of transport (2000-2023)
    IVG11: International goods road transport by Danish vehicles by type of transport and unit (1999Q1-2024Q3)
    IVG41: International transport of goods by road by unit, type of transport, type of cargo and type of goods (2008-2023)
    IVG121: International goods transport by Danish road vehicles by type of transport, type of goods and unit (2008Q1-2024Q3)
    IVG13: International goods road transport by Danish vehicles by type of transport, country and unit (1999Q1-2024Q3)
    IVG6: Use of capacity of Danish goods road vehicles in international transport by unit, distance of journey, type of tansport/type of vehicle and load (1999-2023)
    IVG14: Capacity use of Danish goods road vehicles in international transport by type of transport, load and unit (1999Q1-2024Q3)
    IVG5: International transport of goods by road by country of start of journey and country of end of journey (1999-2023)
    IVG23: International transport of goods by road between countries by unit, country of loading, country of unloadning and type of goods (2008-2023)
    IVG1: International transport of goods by road by unit, type of vehicle/total permisable laden weight, age of vehicle and distance of journey (1999-2023)
    IVG3: International transport of dangerous goods by road by unit, type of transport and type of goods (1999-2023)
    IVG4: International transport of goods by road by unit, type of transport, type of cargo and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2007)
    IVG2: International transport of goods by road between countries by unit, country of loading, country of unloadning and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2007)
    IVG12: International goods transport by Danish road vehicle by type of transport, type of goods and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2007Q4)
    VG2: Goods road transport (factual data) by type of transport and unit (1998Q1-2024Q3)
    VG3: Goods road transport (seasonal adjusted) by type of transport and unit (2010Q1-2024Q3)
    Transport of goods by rail
    BANE1: Rail transport of goods by unit, type of transport and railway system (1990-2023)
    BANE201: Rail transport of goods by unit, type of transport and type of goods (2008-2023)
    BANE401: National rail transport of goods by unit, region of loading and region of unloading (2007-2023)
    BANE5: Rail transport of dangerous goods by type of transport, type of goods and unit (2004-2023)
    BANE6: Railway transport of intermodal transport units by type of transport, unit of cargo and unit (2004-2023)
    BANE3: International rail transport of goods by direction, unit and country (2000-2023)
    BANE9A: Rail transport of goods by unit and type of transport (2013Q1-2024Q3)
    BANE2: Rail transport of goods by unit, type of transport and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2007)
    BANE4: National rail transport of goods by unit, region of loading and region of unloading (DISCONTINUED) (2000-2006)
    BANE9: Rail transport of goods by unit, type of transport and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (2006Q1-2012Q4)
    Maritime transport of goods
    SKIB41: Transport of goods over Danish ports by unit (1990-2023)
    SKIB421: Throughput of goods in Danish ports by seaport and unit (2007-2023)
    SKIB431: Throughput of goods in Danish ports in international traffic by seaport, direction and type of goods (2007-2023)
    SKIB44: Throughput of goods in international traffic in major Danish ports by seaport, direction and country (2004-2023)
    SKIB451: Throughput of goods in Danish ports in national traffic by seaport, direction and type of goods (2007-2023)
    SKIB42: Throughput of goods in Danish ports by seaport and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
    SKIB461: Throughput of goods in national traffic in Danish ports by seaport, direction and part of the country (2007-2023)
    SKIB47: Throughput of goods from cargo ships in major Danish ports by flagstate, direction and type of goods (1997-2023)
    SKIB43: Throughput of goods in Danish ports in international traffic by seaport, direction and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    SKIB481: Maritime transport of goods between Danish regions by region of loading, region of unloading and unit (2007-2023)
    SKIB49: Throughput of containers and ro-ro units in major Danish ports by seaport, direction, unit of cargo and unit (1997-2023)
    SKIB45: Throughput of goods in Danish ports in national traffic by seaport, direction and type of goods (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    SKIB50: Throughput of goods in major Danish ports by direction, country and type of goods (2004-2023)
    SKIB46: Throughput of goods in national traffic in Danish ports by seaport, direction and region (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    SKIB48: Maritime transport of goods between Danish counties by region of loading, region of unloading and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1998-2006)
    SKIB61: Danish and foreign fishery vessels landing of fish in Danish ports by seaport (DISCONTINUED) (1996-2004)
    SKIB72: Throughput of goods in major Danish seaports by seaport, direction and type of goods (2000Q1-2024Q3)
    SKIB73: Throughput of containers and ro-ro units in major Danish seaports by direction, unit of cargo and transport unit (2000Q1-2024Q3)
    SKIB74: Throughput of goods in major Danish seaports by group of countries and type of goods (2000Q1-2024Q3)
    Transport of goods by air
    FLYV41: Air transport of goods via manned Danish airports by airport and type of transport (1990-2023)
    Transport of goods by pipeline
    ROR11: Tansport in pipelines by product and unit (1982-2023)
    Traffic accidents
    Road traffic accidents
    UHELD3: Road traffic accidents by type of accident, accident situation, urban area and speed limit (1997-2023)
    UHELD4: Road traffic accidents by type of accident, type of transport unit involved, hour, day of the week and month (1997-2023)
    UHELD5: Road traffic accidents by type of accident, accident situation, transport unit and other units involved (2001-2023)
    UHELD6: Road traffic accidents by type of accident, accident situation, transport unit and number of transport units involved (2001-2023)
    UHELDK7: Road traffic accidents by type of accident, municipality, urban area and accident situation (1998-2023)
    UHELD8: Injured and killed in road traffic accidents by type of accident, casualty, transport unit, sex, age and type of injury (2001-2023)
    UHELD9: Injured and killed in road traffic accidents by type of accident, casualty, transport unit, type of person, urban area and type of road (2001-2023)
    UHELD10: Injured and killed in road traffic accidents by type of accident, accident situation, casualty, transport unit and other units involved (2001-2023)
    UHELD11: Injured and killed in road traffic accidents by type of accident, casualty, transport unit, position, type of person and influenced by alcohol (2001-2023)
    UHELDK1: Injured and killed in road traffic accidents by region, casualty, motor vehicles involved, age and sex (1998-2023)
    UHELDK2: Injured and killed in alcohol accidents by region, age and sex (1998-2023)
    UHELD12: Drivers and pedestrians by transport unit, sex, age, age of driving license and level of alcohol in blood (2001-2023)
    MOERKE: Injured in road traffic accidents reported by the police and casualty wards by reporter, accident situation, means of transport, sex, age and type of injury (2001-2022)
    MOERKE1: Injured in road traffic accidents reported by casualty wards by reporter, accident situation, means of transport, sex, age and casualty (classified by diagnosis) (2009-2022)
    UHELD7: Road traffic accidents by type of accident, municipality, urban area and accident situation(DISCONTINUED) (1997-2006)
    UHELD13: Injured and killed in road traffic accidents (DISCONTINUED) (1930-1992)
    UHELD1: Injured and killed in road traffic accidents by region, casualty, motor vehicles, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1993-2006)
    UHELD2: Injured and killed in alcohol accidents by county, age and sex(DISCONTINUED) (1993-2006)
    Gender equality indicator, road traffic accidents
    LIGEHI10: Gender equality indicator of injured and killed in road traffic accidents by casualty, motor vehicles involved and age (1998-2023)
    Traffic accidents involving trains and vessels
    BANE91: Fatalities and injuries in railway traffic accidents by railway system, category of person and casualty (1993-2023)
    BANE92: Fatalities and injuries in railway traffic accidents by railway system, type of accident and casualty (2002-2023)
    SKIB92: Accidents at sea involving Danish vessels by type of accident and extent (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2016)
    SKIB92X: Traffic accidents at sea involving Danish merchant ships and fishery vessels by type of accident and type of vessels (DISCONTINUED) (1994-2011)
    SKIB93X: Killed and injured persons in accidents involving Danish ships by type of vessels and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1999-2011)
    SKIB93: Accidents and fatalities onboard Danish vessels Danish ships by type of vessel and accidents (DISCONTINUED) (2004-2016)
    SKIB94X: Traffic accidents in danish sea involving foreign ships by type of accident (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2011)
    SKIB94: Accidents at sea in Danish sea territory by type of accident, waters and extent (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2016)
    SKIB95: Accidents at sea involving danish vessels by type of accident, type of vessel and scope (2014-2023)
    SKIB96: Accidents at sea in Danish sea territory by type of accident, type of vessel, scope and land of registration (2014-2023)