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StatBank Denmark
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    Daily updates at 8:00:00
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    Welcome to StatBank Denmark
    Latest releases

    ATR110: Working Time Accounts (quarter) by industry (DB07), sector, type and socioeconomic status
    ATR112: Working Time Accounts (seasonal adjustment) (quarter) by industry (DB07 10- and 19-grouping), type and socioeconomic status
    ATR114: Working Time Accounts (quarter) (seasonal adjustment) by sector, type and socioeconomic status
    BYGPRO1: Index of production in Construction (IPC) (2021=100) by industry
    DNINDEX: Compounded Index by item and methodology
    DNPRND: The banks' and the mortgage-credit institutes' accounts (net position) with the Nationalbank
    DNRENTD: Danmarks Nationalbank's official interest rates and money and capital market interest rates by item, country and methodology (daily observations)
    DNSHSREA: Danish mortgage bonds held by euro countries (SHS) by type of mortgage bond, investor country and data type
    DNVALD: Daily exchange rates by currency and type
    DRIVHUS: Greenhouse Gas Accounts (in CO2 equivalents) by industry and type of emission
    DRIVHUS2: Greenhouse Gas Accounts (in CO2 equivalents) by industry, type of emission and Calculation principle
    EMM1MU1N: Direct and indirect air emissions by industry and type of emission
    EMM1MU2N: Direct and indirect air emissions by final demand and type of emission
    EMM1MU3N: Air emissions caused by final demand, by industry and type of emission
    KONKEUM: Newly registered companies and bankruptcies by indicator and industry (DB07)
    MRO1: Bridge table by bridging items and type of emission
    MRO2: Bridge table (CO2-equivalents) by bridging items and type of emission
    MRU1: Air Emission Accounts by industry and type of emission
    TEMA9001: Greenhouse gases (1990=100) by unit
    TEMA9005: Greenhouse gas accounts by industry

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