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StatBank Denmark
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    Daily updates at 8:00:00
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    Welcome to StatBank Denmark
    Latest releases

    BIL5: New registration of motor vehicles by type of vehicle
    BIL50: New registration of passenger cars by ownership, car segment and unit
    BIL51: New registrations of passenger cars by ownership and propellant
    BIL52: Stock of passenger cars by ownership and propellant
    BIL53: New registration of motor vehicles by region, type of vehicle, terms of use and propellant
    BIL54: Stock of motor vehicles by region, type of vehicle, terms of use and propellant
    BIL55: New registrated passenger cars by type of registration
    BIL56: Used of passenger cars by unit, ownership and propellant
    BIL6: New registrations, sale of second hand vehicles and stock etc by type of vehicle and unit
    DNINDEX: Compounded Index by item and methodology
    DNPRND: The banks' and the mortgage-credit institutes' accounts (net position) with the Nationalbank
    DNRENTD: Danmarks Nationalbank's official interest rates and money and capital market interest rates by item, country and methodology (daily observations)
    DNVALD: Daily exchange rates by currency and type
    FU11: Household budget survey by background information and group of households
    FU12: Household average consumption by group of consumption and price unit
    FU13: Consumption by group of consumption, households and price unit
    FU14: Consumption by group of consumption, socioeconomic status and price unit
    FU15: Consumption by group of consumption, total income and price unit
    FU16: Consumption by group of consumption, type of dwelling and price unit
    FU17: Consumption by group of consumption, region and price unit

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