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StatBank Denmark
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    Latest releases

    AIS1: Port calls in Danish ports (Experimental statistics) (2018=100) by part of the country, seasonal adjustment and unit
    BIA01: Personal recipients of library money by region, sex and age
    BIA02: Payments of library money by region, sex and age
    DNINDEX: Compounded Index by item and methodology
    DNPRND: The banks' and the mortgage-credit institutes' accounts (net position) with the Nationalbank
    DNRENTD: Danmarks Nationalbank's official interest rates and money and capital market interest rates by item, country and methodology (daily observations)
    DNUDERHV: Credit condition survey, Corporate Lending (Net figures) by type of institute, industry, question and period
    DNUDPRIV: Credit condition survey, lending to households (Net figures) by type of institute, question and period
    DNVALD: Daily exchange rates by currency and type
    KUBS01: Payments by the Ministry of Culture by cultural domains
    KUBS02B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit
    KUBS04B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted children and young people by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit
    KUBS05: Personal recipients of payments by the Ministry of Culture by region, cultural domains, sex and age groups
    KUBS06: Payments by the Ministry of Culture to personal recipients by region, cultural domains, sex and age groups
    KUBS07: Companies receiving payments by the Ministry of Culture by location, cultural domains, type of company and size of company
    KUBS08: Payments by the Ministry of Culture to companies by location, cultural domains, type of company and size of company
    KUBS09B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted research by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit
    KUBS10B: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted education by region, cultural domains, financing type, state institution and unit
    KUBS11: Payments by the Ministry of Culture targeted international activities by type of country, cultural domains and country
    LABY40: The Ministry of Culture's average payments to personal recipients by municipality groups and cultural domains

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