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StatBank Denmark Transport
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    UHELD11: Injured and killed in road traffic accidents by type of accident, casualty, transport unit, position, type of person and influenced by alcohol
    Unit : Number

    The statistics only cover accidents causing injury which are known to the police. In order to analyze the so-called underreported figures, Statistics Denmark has publish data where on visits to casualty wards are included. The casualties "Outside the means of transport" show the number of persons injured, who were in the counterparty(ies)´s. The recorded during transport agent "Other" shows the distribution of "Outside the means of transport" involved obstacles.

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    type of accident (3)
    casualty (4)
    means of transport (18)
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    position (2)
    type of person (6)
    influenced by alcohol (2)
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    (select max. 10000)
    26-1-2025 Statistics Denmark ,