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Maingroups (2 digits) Maingroups (4 digits) Maingroups (6 digits)
H29 Vocational Education and Training (VET), basic course
H2910 Care, health and education (OSP), basic course
H291010 Health, care and education, basic course
H2915 Office, commercial and business services (KHF), basic course
H291510 The mercantile area, basic course
H291515 Building and user service, basic course
H2920 Food, agriculture and experiences (FJO), basic course
H292010 Food, Agriculture and experiences, basic course
H2925 Engineering, construction and transport (TBT), basic course
H292510 Engineering, construction and transport, basic course
H30 Vocational Education and Training (VET)
H3010 Care, health and education (OSP)
H301010 Health, care and pedagogy not specified
H301015 Educational Courses
H301020 Social and health education
H301025 Hospital Technical Assistants
H301030 Dental Assistants
H301035 Health, care and education in addition
H3015 Office, commercial and business services (KHF)
H301510 Commercial programs not specified
H301515 Office Educations
H301520 Finance educations
H301525 Retail Education
H301530 Trading Education
H301535 Customer Contact Centre Education
H301540 Health Services Secretary
H301545 Business education in addition
H301550 Property and other service not specified
H301555 Property Service Technician
H301560 Service Assistant Education
H301565 Security Guard
H3020 Food etc. (FJO)
H302010 Baker and pastrymaker
H302015 Butcher etc.
H302020 Intestinal Cleaner
H302025 Dairy Education
H302030 Nutrition Assistants
H302035 Cooking education
H302040 Waiters Education
H302045 Receptionists
H302050 Food educations in addition
H3025 Agriculture and nature (FJO)
H302510 Agriculture Education
H302515 Gartner Education
H302520 Greenkeeper etc.
H302525 Forest and natural technique
H302530 Animal keeper
H302535 Veterinary Nursing
H302540 Agricultural and Natural in addition
H3030 Experience and events (FJO)
H303010 Event Coordinator
H303015 Fitness Instructor
H303020 Hairdresser
H303025 Beauticians Education
H3035 Construction (TBT)
H303510 Construction not specified
H303515 Tiler and instructor etc.
H303520 Building Painter
H303525 Glazier
H303530 Bricklayer
H303535 Carpenter and joiner, etc.
H303540 Carpentry etc.
H303545 Plumbing technique
H303550 Tiler
H303555 Other construction education
H3040 The technology area, power and electronics etc. (TBT)
H304010 Power and electronics not specified
H304015 Automation and process automation
H304020 Data and communications technology
H304025 Electrician
H304030 Electronics and process operators, etc.
H304035 Electronics and weak current training
H304040 Other power and electronics training
H3045 The technology area, graphical techniques and media production (TBT)
H304510 Graphic technology and media production not specified
H304515 Film and TV production
H304520 Photographer
H304525 Digital media and web integrator
H304530 Graphics
H304535 Roadsign Technician
H3050 The technology area, cycling, automotive and marine mechanics etc. (TBT)
H305010 Cycling, automotive and marine mechanics not specified
H305015 Cycling, automotive and marine mechanics etc.
H305020 Carbody Educations
H305025 Wagon Painter
H3055 The technology area, mechanical engineering and production (TBT)
H305510 Mechanical engineering and production not specified
H305515 Industrial Engineer and cnc technician
H305520 Industry operators and productors
H305525 Wind Operator
H305530 Refrigeration Technician and oil burner technician
H305535 Smith Education
H305540 Foundry Technician
H305545 Tools maker educations
H305550 Plastic Maker
H305555 Maritime trades
H305560 Marine engineering and ship assembly
H305565 Precision engineer and watchmaker
H305570 The textile and clothing crafts
H305575 Laboratory Dental Technician
H305580 Ortopædist
H305585 Shoemaker and orthopedic
H305590 Mechanical engineering and production, other programs
H3060 Technical and industrial education in general (TBT)
H306010 Technical and industrial education in addition
H3065 Transport and logistics (TBT)
H306510 Transport and logistics not specified
H306515 Storage, port and terminal education
H306520 Airport Education
H306525 Train preparation educations
H306530 Rescue Training
H306535 Driver
H306540 Transport and logistics in addition
H3090 Other vocational educations
H309010 Commercial fisheries etc.
H309015 Maritime education
H309020 Forsvaret
H309025 Other vocational training courses
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Age, total
Under 14 years
14 years
15 years
16 years
17 years
18 years
19 years
20 years
21 years
22 years
23 years
24 years
25 years
26 years
27 years
28 years
29 years
30-34 years
35-39 years
40 years-
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Persons of Danish origin
Unknown origin
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Non-western countries
National origin, not stated
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Students per 1st October