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Nature of the offence, total
Criminal code, total
Criminal code, unspecified
Sexual offenses, total
Incest, etc.
Rape, etc.
Heterosexual offence against a child under 12 (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual offence against a child under 12 (New from 2013)
Any other kind of heterosexual offence (Repealed in 2013)
Sexual offence against a child under 15 (New from 2013)
Any other kind of sexual offence (New from 2013)
Homosexual offence against a child under 12 (Repealed in 2013)
Any other kind of homosexual offence (Repealed in 2013)
Offence against public decency by groping
Offence against public decency by indecent exposure
Any other kind of offence against public decency
Prostitution, etc.
Crimes of violence, total
Violence against public authority
Unlawful assembly/disturbance of public order
Attempted homicide
Coercive control etc
Common assault
Assault causing actual bodily harm
Particularly aggravated assault
Unprovoked assault
Any other kind of intentional trespass to the person
Intentional bodily harm
Causing death or bodily harm by negligence
Offences against life and limb
Offences against personal liberty
Offences against property, total
Cheque forgery
Burglary - business and community
Residential burglaries
Burglary (uninhabited buildings)
Theft from conveyances
Shoplifting, etc.
Other kinds of theft
Theft of/taking vehicle without the owners consent (TWOC)
Theft of/taking moped without the owners consent (TWOC)
Theft of/taking bicycle without the owners consent (TWOC)
Theft of/taking other objects without the owners consent (TWOC)
Theft by finding
Fraud by cheque
Fraud by abuse of position
Blackmail and usury
Fraud against creditors
Handling stolen goods
Aggravated tax evasion etc.
Malicious damage to property
Receiving stolen goods by negligence
Offence against and infringement of property
Other offences, total
Offences against public authority, etc.
Offences by public servants
Any other kind of false statement
Offences concerning money and evidence
Trafficking of drugs, etc.
Smuggling etc. of drugs
General public offences etc.
Illegal trade, etc.
Family relation offences
Involuntary manslaughter etc. in connection with traffic accident
Non-molestation order (Repealed in 2012)
Invasion of privacy and defamation
The Road Traffic Act, total
Traffic accident, unspecified
Road traffic accident involving alcohol
Drunken driving
Vehicle defects
Any other Road Traffic Act offences
Special acts, total
Euphoriants Act
The Offensive Weapons Act
Tax legislation and fiscal acts, etc.
Other special acts in criminal law
Health and social security legislation
Building and housing legislation
The environmental protection act
Legislation on animals, hunting, etc.
Legislation on employment, transport, etc.
The Companies Act
Legislation on the national defence
Legislation applying to public utilities
Legislation on gambling, licencing, trade
Any other special legislation
Special legislation, unspecified
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Afgjorte forhold i alt
Guilty decisions
Not guilty decisions
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Age, total
Age not stated
15 years
16 years
17 years
18 years
19 years
20 years
21 years
22 years
23 years
24 years
25-29 years
30-39 years
40-49 years
50-59 years
60-69 years
70-79 years
80 year and over