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StatBank Denmark
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Region accounts by county council district, main account, authorized group and kind
Unit : DKK 1,000
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All Denmark
Region Hovedstaden
Region Sjælland
Region Syddanmark
Region Midtjylland
Region Nordjylland
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1.10.01 Somatic hospitals
1.10.02 Psychiatric hospitals and sections
1.20.10 General medical care
1.20.11 Special medical care
1.20.12 Medicin
1.20.13 Dental care
1.20.14 Psysical treatment
1.20.15 Chiropractor
1.20.16 Glasses
1.20.17 Travel health insurance
1.20.18 State-registered chiropodist
1.20.19 Psychologist treatments
1.20.20 Other health expenses
1.20.21 Nutrition remedies
1.20.22 Profylactic pregnancy check-up
1.20.23 Medical check-up of children
1.20.24 Vaccinations
1.20.25 Hearing aids
1.20.30 Specialized dental care
1.50.33 Centralized administration of health (excl. psychiatry)
1.50.34 Decentralized administration of health (excl. psychiatry)
1.50.35 Administration of the psychiatric area
1.50.36 IT health area (excluding psychiatry)
1.50.37 IT health area (psychiatry)
1.60.40 Central administration of the health care system
1.60.41 Other expenses and revenues
1.60.42 General reserves
1.70.50 Joint purpose and administration expenses concerning health care
1.80.60 Interest etc.
1.80.61 Interest accrual for holiday funds regarding
1.90.90 Block grants from the state
1.90.92 Contributions from the municipalties depending on activity
1.90.93 Contributions from the state depending on activity
1.90.94 Other funding grants
2.10.01 Special offers, speciel education and counselling
2.10.30 General senior housing
2.60.40 Central administration of the social area
2.60.50 Other expenses and revenues
2.70.60 Joint purpose and administration expenses concerning social purposes
2.80.70 Interest etc.
2.85.80 Special administrative tasks
2.90.90 Objective financing contributions
2.90.91 Block grants from the state
3.10.01 Contributions to traffic companies
3.20.10 Contributions to cultural activities
3.30.20 Growth fora
3.30.21 Turism
3.30.22 Innovation and new technology
3.30.23 Service to the industries and entrepreneury
3.30.24 Devellopment of human resources
3.30.25 Devellopment of outer- and rural district areas
3.30.29 Central administration of industry devellopment
3.40.30 Regional devellopment tasks on the education area
3.40.39 Central administation of regional devellopment tasks on the education area
3.50.40 Soil pollution
3.50.41 Raw material
3.50.49 Central administration of the enviroment area
3.60.50 Other expences and revenues
3.60.51 Central administration on regional development
3.70.60 Joint purpose and administration expences concerning devellopment of the industries
3.70.61 Joint expences and administration expences concerning regional devellopment tasks on education
3.70.62 Joint purpose and administration expences concerning soil pollution and raw material
3.70.63 Joint expences concerning other regional devellopment tasks
3.80.70 Interest
3.80.71 Interest accrual for holiday funds regarding
3.90.90 Block grants from the state
3.90.91 Municipal development grants
4.10.01 Joint purpose
4.10.02 Region councel members
4.10.04 Election etc.
4.20.12 General offices and management
4.20.13 Fælles IT
4.30.21 Salary and maternity pools
4.40.31 Pension concerning public servants
4.60.51 Other expences and revenues
4.60.52 Internal insurance funds
4.65.61 Intrests etc.
4.70.99 Amount brought forward - Joint purpose and administration
5.90.99 Transfers - Interest etc.
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010 Personel
015 Service jobs
016 Wages grants
017 Other offers with lacking observance of quotes for wages grants jobs
018 Jobpræmie til regionale arbejdsgivere
019 Fleksjobbonus til regionale arbejdsgivere
020 Courses
030 On-the-job injury
110 Materiel- and activity expences
310 Acquisitions, inventery, apparatus
320 Operations and maintenance
410 Propety expences
420 Supply
710 Grants and menbership fees
720 EU-grants
730 Internal transferes
790 Other
810 Payments - other regions
820 Payments - private hospitals and institutions
830 Payments - municipalities
840 Payments - the state
888 Other groupings in total
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Expenses exclusive calculating expenses
Expenses inclusive calculating expenses
0 Calculating expenses
0.0 Balance sheets, entries
0.1 Depreciation
0.2 Changes in stocks
0.3 Pension provision for civil servants
0.4 Interest
0.5 Other calculated and transfered expences/expenditures - voluntary
0.6 Other calculated and transfered expences/expenditures - mandatory
0.7 Holiday allowance
0.8 Calculated and transfered revenues
0.9 Counter account
1 Wages
2 Purchase of goods
2.2 Food
2.3 Fuel and propellant
2.5 Purchase of land and buildings (including VAT)
2.6 Purchase of land and buildings
2.7 Acquisitions
2.9 Other purchases of goods
4 Services etc.
4.0 Services, except VAT
4.5 Contractor- and craftmen services
4.6 Payments to the government
4.7 Payments to the municipalities
4.8 Payments to the counties
4.9 Other services etc.
5 Grants and transferes
5.1 Public servants pensions etc.
5.2 Transferes to persons
5.9 Other grants and transfers
6 Finance expences
7 Revenues
7.1 Rent income from own buildings
7.2 Sale of products and services
7.6 Payments from the government
7.7 Payments from the municipalities
7.8 Payments from the counties
7.9 Other revenues
8 Finance revenues
8.1 Finance revenues
8.5 Municipalities grants
8.6 Government grants
8.9 Other finance revenues
9 Internal expences and revenues
9.1 Transferred wages
9.2 Transferred purchases of goods
9.4 Transferred services
9.7 Internal revenues
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Statistics Denmark