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StatBank Denmark
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Enterprises use of e-business solutions (10+ employees) by enterprise size, activity (NACE REV2) and topics
Unit : Per cent
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enterprise size
activity (NACE REV2)
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All enterprises (with at least 10 employees)
10-49 employees
50-99 employees
100-249 employees
250 employees and over
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All enterprises within the private, non-financial urban trades
10-39 Manufacturing
41-43 Construction
45-56 Trade and transport etc.
58-63 Information and communication
68-74, 77-82, 95.1 Other business services
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1. Use any kind of ERP software package (Enterprise Resource Planning)
2. Use CRM software (Customer Relationship Management) to manage information about customers
2.1 Use CRM software to make information about customers available to various business functions
2.2 Use CRM software to analysis about customers for marketing purposes
3. Buying any cloud computing services used over the Internet
3.1 Buying e-mail as a cloud computing service
3.2 Buying office software as a cloud computing service
3.3 Buying hosting of database(s) as a cloud computing service
3.4 Buying storage of files (except databases) as a cloud computing service
3.5 Buying accounting software applications as a cloud computing service
3.6 Buying CRM-software (Customer Relationship Management) as a cloud computing service
3.7 Buying computing power to run the enterprises own software as a cloud computing service
4. Experiencing gains from cloud computing services in the previous calendar year
4.1 Experiencing reduced ICT-costs due to cloud computing services in the previous calendar year
4.2 Experiencing reduced administration-, accounting- or bookkeeping costs due to cloud computing services in the previous calendar year
4.3 Experiencing better adjustment of solutions to the enterprise¿s needs due to cloud computing services in the previous calendar year
4.4 Experiencing optimized workflows within the enterprise due to cloud computing services in the previous calendar year
4.5 Experiencing other gains due to cloud computing services in the previous calendar year
4.6 Experiencing difficulties from cloud computing services in the previous calendar year
5. Use RFID (Radio Frequency identification technologies)
5.1 Use RFID as person identification or access control
5.2 Use RFID as part of the production and service delivery process
5.3 Use RFID for product identification after the production process (e.g. theft control)
6. Sharing SCM information (supply chain management) electronically with other enterprises or customers
6.1 Sharing SCM information via websites
6.2 Sharing SCM information via electronic transmission suitable for automated processing (e.g. EDI-type systems)
7. Sending invoices in electronic form, in a standard structure suitable for automated processing (e-invoices)
8. Receiving invoices in electronic form not suitable for automated processing
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(select max. 10000)
Statistics Denmark