IDRAKT02: Memberships of sports organizations (share of population) by region, sex and age |
Unit : Per cent |
Activity, association and member information is based on The Central Register of Associations. Memberships are given as unique memberships in a sports association. A person who is a member of two associations will thus count twice in the calculation. This can course that the proportion of memberships in sparsely populated areas with many active sportsmen can exceed 100%. Figures for the whole country also include members without a municipality (unspecified). Membership numbers do not include certain activities such as theater and politics, which is included in table IDRFOR01. Related to the update of the reference year 2022, the statistics IDRAKT01 have been rounded to whole 10s back in time, due to Statistics Denmark's data confidentiality policy. The members' shares of the population in IDRAKT02 may also be affected by this revision for previous reference years in terms of gender, age and small municipalities where a low number of members accurs.
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14-1-2025 Statistics Denmark , statbank.dk/IDRAKT02 |