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StatBank Denmark Economy
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    EJEN1: Sales of real property by region, category of real property, key figures and type of transfer (quarter) (DISCONTINUED)
    Unit : -

    Information about quarterly and yearly sales of real property distributed by municipalities- and postcodes are from third quarter 2002 only delivered for money. Description of content and a price list are available on Purchase sum in per mille of taxable value. The total cash sum in per mille of the total taxable value: 1992-1995 (1992-tax assessment - TA), 1996-1997 (1996-TA), 1998-1999 (1998-TA), 2000 (2000-TA), 2001 (2001-TA).

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    region (293)
    category of real property (29)
    key figures (5)
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    type of transfer (3)
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    (select max. 10000)
    13-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,