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StatBank Denmark Culture and leisure
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    BIO6: Cinema movies by key figures, showing week, nationality and type/target group
    Unit : Per cent

    From 2014, the data source has changed. As a result, the figures for 2014 are not comparable with the figures for 2007-2013. The table shows the distribution of films shown and tickets sold for films that have been shown during the year and that have had their premiere within the last year. For the tickets, the average distribution of tickets over the first year is shown. For the films, it is shown how big a share of films that is shown in the group in question compared with how many films that have been shown during the week of the premiere. The table has been updated due to error in the categorisation of the nationality and type/audience of a few films.

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    key figures (2)
    showing week (21)
    nationality (8)
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    type/audience (8)
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    (select max. 10000)
    12-2-2025 Statistics Denmark ,