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- Energy consumption and energy prices
- Environmental statistics
- Environmental-economic accounts
- 20293Energy and air emission accounts
- 20522Energy accounts
- ENE3HGross energy consumption in GJ by industry and type of energy (1966-2023)
- ENE1HOEnergy Account in specific units (summary table) by supply and use and type of energy (1966-2023)
- ENE1HTEnergy Account in specific units (detailed table) by supply and type of energy (1966-2023)
- ENE1HAEnergy Account in specific units (detailed table) by use and type of energy (1966-2023)
- ENE2HOEnergy Account in GJ (summary table) by supply and use and type of energy (1966-2023)
- ENE2HTEnergy Account in GJ (detailed table) by supply and type of energy (1966-2023)
- ENE2HAEnergy Account in GJ (detailed table) by use and type of energy (1966-2023)
- LABY33Key figures for energy consumption and production by municipality groups, indicator and unit (2020-2022)
- SDG07021Renewable energy's share of total gross energy consumption (1990-2023)
- ENE4HOEnergy Account in monetary values. Supply and use of energy, summary table by supply and use, unit and type of energy (DISCONTINUED) (1966-2016)
- ENE4HTEnergy Account in monetary values. Supply of energy, detailed table (basic prices) by supply and type of energy (DISCONTINUED) (1966-2016)
- ENE4HAEnergy Account in monetary values. Use of energy, detailed table by use, unit and type of energy (DISCONTINUED) (1966-2016)
- ENE1NEnergy Accounts in physical units by industry and type (DISCONTINUED) (1966-2011)
- ENE2NEnergy Accounts in heating values (GJ) by industry and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1966-2011)
- ENE3NGross energy consumption in heating values (GJ) by industry and type (DISCONTINUED) (1966-2011)
- ENE4NEnergy Accounts in monetary values by industry, unit and type (DISCONTINUED) (1966-2011)
- ENE1Energy accounts by industry, unit and type (DISCONTINUED) (1966-2009)
- ENE6Production of renewable energy by type (DISCONTINUED) (1972-1997)
- ENE7Consumption and production of energy in Denmark by type and quantity/value (DISCONTINUED) (1986M01-2010M03)
- ENE8Sales of energy products by type and quantity/value (DISCONTINUED) (1986M01-1999M06)
- MREG7Gross energy consumption by industry and final demand (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- 20676Energy multipliers
- ENE2MU1Direct and indirect use of energy by industry and type of energy (1990-2020)
- ENE2MU1NDirect and indirect use of energy by industry and type of energy (1990-2023)
- ENE2MU2Direct and indirect use of energy by final demand and type of energy (1990-2020)
- ENE2MU2NDirect and indirect use of energy by final demand and type of energy (1990-2023)
- ENE2MU3Use of energy caused by final demand, by industry and type of energy (1990-2020)
- ENE2MU3NUse of energy caused by final demand, by industry and type of energy (1990-2023)
- 20521Emission accounts incl. greenhouse gas emissions
- MRU1Air Emission Accounts by industry and type of emission (1990-2023)
- MRO1Bridge table by bridging items and type of emission (1990-2022)
- MRO2Bridge table (CO2-equivalents) by bridging items and type of emission (1990-2022)
- DRIVHUSGreenhouse Gas Accounts (in CO2 equivalents) by industry and type of emission (1990-2023)
- DRIVHUS2Greenhouse Gas Accounts (in CO2 equivalents) by industry, type of emission and Calculation principle (1990-2023)
- LABY34Key figures for greenhouse gas emissions by municipality groups, indicator, type of emission and unit (2020-2022)
- MREG4Emissions to air by industry, type of emission and final demand (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- MREG5Emissions to air and energy consumption by industry, emission/energy consumption and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2008)
- MREG6Emissions to air caused by final demand by group of consumption, type of emission and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2006)
- MREG8Bridge table by bridging items and type of emission (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2008)
- TEMA9005Greenhouse gas accounts by industry (1990-2023)
- TEMA9006CO2 emissions from families' energy consumption by energysource (1990-2023)
- TEMA9007Greenhouse gas emissions by unit (1990-2023)
- TEMA9010Emissions from agriculture, forestry and fishing by type of emission (1990-2023)
- AFTRYKClimate footprint of Danish Consumption (Experimental statistics) by types of use (Causes of emissions), industries (Origin of emissions) and countries/economies (Origin of emissions) (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2021)
- AFTRYK1Climate footprint (experimental statistics) by type of use, emitting industries and emitting countries (1990-2022)
- AFTRYK2Climate footprint (experimental statistics) by type of use, supplying industries, emitting industries and emitting countries (1990-2022)
- 20677Emission multipliers
- EMM1MU1Direct and indirect air emissions by industry and type of emission (1990-2022)
- EMM1MU1NDirect and indirect air emissions by industry and type of emission (1990-2023)
- EMM1MU2Direct and indirect air emissions by final demand and type of emission (1990-2022)
- EMM1MU2NDirect and indirect air emissions by final demand and type of emission (1990-2023)
- EMM1MU3Air emissions caused by final demand, by industry and type of emission (1990-2022)
- EMM1MU3NAir emissions caused by final demand, by industry and type of emission (1990-2023)
- 20925Greenhouse gas emissions and economic growth
- TEMA9001Greenhouse gases (1990=100) by unit (1990-2023)
- TEMA9012Greenhouse gas emissions per. unit value added by industry (1990-2023)
- 20926International comparisons
- TEMA9003Renewable energy share of energy consumption. by country (2019-2021)
- TEMA9008Greenhouse gas emissions per capita by country (2000-2020)
- 20294Material flow and waste accounts
- 20523Economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA)
- MRM2Economy-wide material flow accounts by material type and indicator (1993-2022)
- MFA2Economy-wide material flow accounts by producttype and indicator (DISCONTINUED) (1993-2008)
- RME1Material flows converted to raw material equivalents by type of raw material and indicator (2008-2019)
- SDG08042Indicator: Domestic material consumption by area and unit of measurement (2010-2022)
- 20825Detailed material flow accounts (physical supply-use tables)
- MSR1ODetailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 1) (2018)
- MSR1TSupply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 1) (2018)
- MSR1AUse of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 1) (2018)
- MSR2ODetailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 2) (2018)
- MSR2TSupply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 2) (2018)
- MSR2AUse of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 2) (2018)
- MSR3ODetailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 3) (2018)
- MSR3TSupply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 3) (2018)
- MSR3AUse of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 3) (2018)
- DMR1ODetailed material flow accounts, summary table (25 material types, 14 categories) (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
- DMR1TSupply of natural resources, goods and waste (25 material types, 22 supply categories) (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
- DMR1AUse of natural resources, goods and waste (25 material types, 22 use categories) (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
- DMR2ODetailed material flow accounts, summary table (57 material types, 16 categories) ()DISCONTINUED (2016)
- DMR2TSupply of natural resources, goods and waste (57 material types, 29 supply categories) (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
- DMR2AUse of natural resources, goods and waste (57 material types, 29 use categories) (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
- DMR3ODetailed material flow accounts, summary table (182 material types, 16 categories) (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
- DMR3TSupply of natural resources, goods and waste (182 material types, 76 supply categories) (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
- DMR3AUse of natural resources, goods and waste (182 material types, 76 use categories) (DISCONTINUED) (2016)
- 20529Waste accounts
- AFFALDWaste generation by industry, kind of treatment and waste category (2011-2022)
- AFFALD01Waste generation by industry and waste category (2011-2022)
- AFFALD02Waste generation by industry and kind of treatment (2011-2022)
- AFFALD03Waste generation by industry and hazardousness (2011-2022)
- AFFALD04Im- and exports of waste by waste category, kind of treatment and imports and exports (2011-2022)
- LABY24Household waste by municipality groups, kind of treatment and waste category (2013-2022)
- LABY25Key figures for household waste by municipality groups and key figures (2013-2022)
- 20680Waste multipliers
- AFF1MU1Direct and indirect generation of waste by industry and waste category (2011-2021)
- AFF1MU1NDirect and indirect generation of waste by industry and waste category (2011-2022)
- AFF1MU2Direct and indirect generation of waste by final demand and waste category (2011-2021)
- AFF1MU2NDirect and indirect generation of waste by final demand and waste category (2011-2022)
- AFF1MU3Generation of waste caused by final demand by industry and waste category (2011-2021)
- AFF1MU3NGeneration of waste caused by final demand by industry and waste category (2011-2022)
- AFF2MU1Direct and indirect generation of waste by industry and kind of treatment (2011-2021)
- AFF2MU1NDirect and indirect generation of waste by industry and kind of treatment (2011-2022)
- AFF2MU2Direct and indirect generation of waste by final demand and kind of treatment (2011-2021)
- AFF2MU2NDirect and indirect generation of waste by final demand and kind of treatment (2011-2022)
- AFF2MU3Generation of waste caused by final demand, by industry and kind of treatment (2011-2021)
- AFF2MU3NGeneration of waste caused by final demand, by industry and kind of treatment (2011-2022)
- AFF3MU1Direct and indirect generation of waste by industry and hazardousness (2011-2021)
- AFF3MU1NDirect and indirect generation of waste by industry and hazardousness (2011-2022)
- AFF3MU2Direct and indirect generation of waste by final demand and hazardousness (2011-2021)
- AFF3MU2NDirect and indirect generation of waste by final demand and hazardousness (2011-2022)
- AFF3MU3Generation of waste caused by final demand, by industry and hazardousness (2011-2021)
- AFF3MU3NGeneration of waste caused by final demand, by industry and hazardousness (2011-2022)
- 20534Water and waste water
- 20535Abstraction and consumption of water
- VANDINDWater abstraction by region, water type and abstraction category (1989-2023)
- VANDRG1Abstraction of water (Physical water accounts) by industry and water type (2010-2023)
- VANDRG2Consumption of water (Physical water accounts) by industry and water type (2010-2023)
- VANDRG3Consumption of water (Monetary water accounts) by industry and unit (2010-2023)
- VANDRG01Extraction and consumption (Water Accounts) by industry, water type and measure (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2014)
- VANDRG03Water and waste water expenditure (Water Accounts) by industry and type of expenses (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2014)
- MREG4VThe industries final consumption of water by industry and final demand (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2005)
- MREG5VFinal consumption of water and water intensity by industry and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2005)
- MREG6VFinal consumption of water caused by private consumption and other final demand by group of consumption and unit (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2005)
- MREG7VFinal consumption of water by industry and final demand (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2005)
- 20678Water consumption multipliers
- VAN2MU1NDirect and indirect use of water by industry and type of water (2010-2023)
- VAND2MU1Direct and indirect use of water by industry and type of water (2010-2022)
- VAN2MU2NDirect and indirect use of water by final demand and type of water (2010-2023)
- VAND2MU2Direct and indirect use of water by final demand and type of water (2010-2022)
- VAND2MU3Use of water caused by final demand, by industry and type of water (2010-2022)
- 20536Waste water
- VANDUDDischarge of water by region, discharge and farm type (2010-2023)
- VANDRG4Discharge of wastewater (Physical water accounts) by industry and discharge (2010-2023)
- VANDRG5Discharge of wastewater (Monetary water accounts) by industry and unit (2010-2023)
- VANDRG02Waste water discharge (Water accounts) by industry (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2014)
- 20679Waste water multipliers
- VAN4MU1NDirect and indirect discharge of waste water by industry and type of recipient (2010-2023)
- VAND4MU1Direct and indirect discharge of waste water by industry and type of recipient (2010-2022)
- VAN4MU2NDirect and indirect discharge of waste water by final demand and type of recipient (2010-2023)
- VAND4MU2Direct and indirect discharge of waste water by final demand and type of recipient (2010-2022)
- VAND4MU3Discharge of waste water caused by final demand by industry and type of recipient (2010-2022)
- 20520Green economy
- 20528Environmental goods and services
- GRON1Environmental goods and services by environmental purpose, industry and unit (2012-2023)
- GRON1AEnvironmental goods and services (new classification 2024) by environmental purpose, industry and unit (2015-2023)
- GRON2Environmental goods and services by industry (DB07), environmental purpose and unit (2012-2023)
- 20524Public-sector environmental protection
- MREG22Environmental protection by environmental purpose, expenditure/revenue and sector (1995-2023)
- MREG3Expenditure of water supply, wastewater and waste (DISCONTINUED) (1992-2004)
- 20556Environmental protection expenditure of the manufacturing industries
- MBUEnvironmental expenditures in manufacturing industries by industry (DB07) and environmental purpose (2014-2023)
- 20525Environmental taxes
- MREG21Environmental taxes by environmental category (1995-2023)
- MRS1Environmental taxes by industry and environmental category (1995-2023)
- MREG4TEnvironmental taxes and subsidies by industry, type and kind (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2008)
- MREG2SEnvironmentaly related taxes by environmental related category (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2008)
- 20526Environmental subsidies and transfers
- MMS1Environmental transfers by environmental category (1995-2023)
- MMS2Environmental transfers by environmental purpose (1995-2023)
- MMS3Environmental transfers by industry and environmental category (1995-2023)
- RP01Resource productivity by indicator, industry and product (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2019)
- RP02Gross value added per intermediate consumption by industry and level of processing (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2019)
- RP03Manufacturers purchase of goods (per cent of turnover) by industry (DB07) and level of processing (DISCONTINUED) (2001-2018)
- RP04Ressource productivity by industry (DB07 127-grouping) and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2002-2015)
- RP05Costs by cost element, industry and price unit (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2019)
- RP06Energy and waste intensities by indicator and industry (DISCONTINUED) (2005-2019)
- RP07Treatment of waste by kind of treatment and industry (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2012)
- 20594Natural resource accounts
- 20607Land use and land cover
- AREALDKLand by land cover, region and unit (2011-2021)
- AREALDK1Land by land cover, region and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2011-2016)
- AREALAN1Land use by industry (19a2-grouping), region and unit (2016)
- 20595Oil and natural gas in the North Sea
- VOGRGValue of oil and gas reserve by balance items (1990-2024)
- OLIERGPhysical stocks for oil reserve by balance items (1990-2024)
- GASRGPhysical stocks for gas reserve by balance items (1990-2024)
- MREG26Physical stocks for oil reserve by balance items (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2008)
- MREG27Physical stocks for gas reserve by balance items (DISCONTINUED) (1990-2008)
- MREG29Value of oil and gas reserve by balance items (DISCONTINUED) (1991-2008)
- 20645Fishery resources
- FISK11Fish and shellfish in aquaculture (Physical stock) by balance items and fish- and shellfish species (2010-2024)
- FISK33Natural aquatic resources (Physical stock) by balance items and fish- and shellfish species (2010-2024)
- FISK22Fish and shellfish in aquaculture (Value) by balance items and fish- and shellfish species (2010-2024)
- 20650Forest area and growing stock
- SKOVRG01Growing stock (physical account) by balance items, species of wood and county council district (1990-2023)
- SKOVRG02Growing stock (monetary account) by balance items, species of wood and county council district (1990-2023)
- SKOVRG03Forest area (Kyoto) (physical account) by balance items and county council district (1990-2023)
- Organic production and trade
- 20627Production and accounts of organic farming and horticulture
- OEKO11Organic farms and areas by organic status and crop (2012-2023)
- OEKO1Organic farms and areas by crop (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2016)
- OEKO2Organic livestock by species of animals (DISCONTINUED) (1995-2021)
- ANI7Production and use of milk by unit (1990-2023)
- ANI8Production of eggs and types of production by unit (1990-2023)
- 20816Profit and loss account
- JORD1Profit and loss accounts for all farms (average) by type of farm, region, standard output, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD2Profit and loss accounts for full-time farms (average) by type of farm, annual work units, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD4Family farm income for full-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD3Profit and loss accounts for part-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD5Family farm income for part-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD6Key indicators for all farms (average) by type of farm, region, standard output, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD7Key indicators for all full-time farms (average) by type of farm, annual work units, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD8Key indicators for part-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- JORD9Energy consumption for full-time farms (average) by type of farm, quartile group and items (2008-2023)
- 20876Economy of agricultural activities - accounts
- REGNPRO1Contribution margin and land return by items and agricultural crop activities (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2021)
- REGNPRO2Contribution margin and net profit by items and agricultural husbandry activities (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2021)
- 20628Trade in organic food
- OEKO3Turnover of organic foods in retail shops by commodity and unit (2003-2023)
- OEKO7Sales of organic products to food service by commodity group and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2020)
- OEKO77Sales to food service by commodity type, commodity group and unit (2021-2023)
- OEKO88Sales to food service by commodity type, customer groups and unit (2017-2023)
- OEKO8Sales of organic product to food service by customer groups and unit (DISCONTINUED) (2013-2020)
- 20629Organic food imports and exports
- OEKO4External trade with organic products by imports and exports and commodities (2003-2023)
- OEKO5External trade with organic products by imports and exports and country (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2019)
- OEKO55External trade with organic products by imports and exports and country (2003-2023)
- OEKO6External trade with organic products by imports and exports, country and main SITC groups (DISCONTINUED) (2003-2019)
- OEKO66External trade with organic products by imports and exports, country and main SITC groups (2003-2023)
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